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Matthew Broughton
Florence, SC 29505
Sr. Production Coordinator
OBJECTIVE Desired Job Type: Employee
Desired Status: Full-Time
Desired Salary: 40,000.00 USD Per Year
Experience Level: 6+ years
Availability: Negotiable

EXPERIENCE 10/2001 - Present Media General Florence/SC
Interactive Media Production Coordinator
A large part of this position deals with multimedia, including but not limited to photos, video, audio, and flash. In-depth knowledge of Photoshop, HTML, Javascript, Actionscript, and CSS has really helped me to excel in this environment. I was tapped to lead the design and implementation of 6 websites across our region as they migrated from our old content management system to the new more robust platform.

At times I have been asked to travel to other properties to assist the training of new-hires as well as to fill gaps in our existing team. This sometimes required extended stays on location as well as an increased workload.

In addition I work with server side code (ColdFusion with Fusebox or MachII) and design the database backends (MSSQL) that support the applications that are being developed. These applications must withstand the workload of an over a million pageview a month website.

Working with reporters, producers, advertising executives, and General Managers to ensure the highest quality content is also a very big part of this position.

4/2001 - 10/2001 Mcleod Hospital Florence/SC
Medical Supply Specialist
Required to work with floor nurses and doctors to ensure that they had all the proper supplies needed for each patient. Each floor consists of two carts that must be checked for proper equipment. In addition the supply and equipment databases must be kept up to date as stock is moved around the hospital.
10/2000 - 4/2001 Books-A-Million Florence/SC
Shipping Clerk
Managed accounts and financial transactions on all shipments to and from the store as well as checked each order for mistakes. Checked stock in computer and compared with stock on floor for differences.
9/2000 - 10/2001 Ewave Florence/SC
Web Design and Development
Duties included designing websites (php/perl, javascript, mysql) for clients from scratch as well as maintaining existing sites. In addition, performed maintenance on database servers and web servers to ensure optimal performance.
2/2000 - 8/2000 Computer Dimensions Inc Florence/SC
Web Application Developer
Responsible for porting windows software written in DELPHI to an ASP/SQL internet application. This included all client and server side coding, graphics, user interface, and database structure.
9/1999 - 1/2000 Conterra Communications Columbia/SC
Systems Administrator
Duties were to ensure maximum uptime of all WinNT and FreeBSD servers, as well as assist customers with their internet connections. Modem pool installation, network design and implementation, server backups, database management, as well as assisting web designers with server side perl code.
6/1999 - 8/1999 Sonoco Products Company Hartsville/SC
Linux Evaluation/Web Developer
Duties included creating a custom installation of the linux operating system for evaluation and integration into existing network structure. In addition, intranet web pages were created to provide help desk solutions to commonly asked questions of floor personnel relating to database and IT systems.
6/1998 - 8/1998 Mcleod Hospital Florence/SC
Multi-Media Specialist/Biomedical Photographer
Create graphics and multimedia presentations for doctors and/or administrative personnel for presentations and/or classes. In addition performed biomedical photography of surgical specimens, surgery, and patient conditions.

EDUCATION Francis Marion University
Currently enrolled in Computer Science curriculum
Estimated graduation date is Spring 2008.
University of South Carolina
Some College Coursework Completed
Was enrolled in the Computer Science curriculum.
Randolph Macon College
Some College Coursework Completed
Was enrolled in the Computer Science curriculum.

AFFILIATIONS 08/2005 - Present PADI Scuba Diving